Expo Limangus 2021 – Saladillo

Hired by PROLIAR (Producers Limangus Argentina) I went to the city of Saladillo to film and photograph the 1st National Exhibition of the breed.

With 1 drone and 1 camera I was able to achieve the content they had asked me to show each instance of the event.

Official Video & Photo

  • 1 Camera

  • 1 Drone

  • 1 shooting days

  • Photo & Video

Limangus Argentina

Film & Shooting

Filming and shooting is something I love and have fun doing… and it shows in the results.

Video editing

Work with Premiere Pro for video and Pro Tools for sound. I also have my own sound studio for recordings.

Content Creator

New technologies force us to be updated day by day adapting our contents to different formats and platforms.